Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Black Prom Hairstyles

Highlight your features:
Whichever prom hairstyle you select, ensure you use hairdos that accentuate your features. Black hair tends to be curly, so you can either make the best use of the natural curls or style them differently if you are confident about flaunting a new look at the prom night. Before you opt for any black prom hairstyle, you would need to keep in mind the texture of your hair, the thickness and the kind of curls you have. Hair should be easy to manage if you wish to have a new look. You would also need to consider the shape of the face and how you would use make up to highlight your attractive features.

Experiment a bit:
Well, if you are used to having forever-curly hair, you can dress up your black tresses in various ways with the help of a stylist. You can use detanglers and conditioners that will make your hair appear healthy and natural and strengthen the roots of the hair. You can even consider getting it straightened and styled. This can be styled into an interesting updo as well. Straight hair would prove to be a little easier to manage if you are planning for a glam updo.

Decide the prom gown:
Before planning a black prom hairstyle, you would need to finalize the kind of gown you are wearing. The neckline plays an important part in selecting the right kind of prom hairstyle. If your gown has a low back, you can let your natural hair loose and dazzle everybody with the shine. It adds to the appeal of the entire look. Besides, if your prom gown has some interesting necklines or intricate work in sequins and other such embellishments, it would be a better idea to opt for a stylish updo that brings attention to the neck area! Choose earrings that will set off with the gown and hairstyle as well.

Jazz it up with the right accessories:
Whichever black prom hairstyle you ultimately select, you would need to jazz it up to complete the look. Choose hair accessories that complement your gown. Maybe you can avoid any fancy earrings but opt for an elegant rhinestone pin! Your hair stylist would surely be having lots of stylish options to turn you into a glamorous girl! Use stylish hair accessories that are easy to manage because you might just want to shake a leg on the dance floor

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